dhi vs fue what is the difference blog

How It Works


During the FUE hair transplant, groups of hair follicles, known as grafts, are extracted manually one at a time. These are then placed into a storage solution. Once the extraction is complete, the doctor will open the canals, which are the holes or slits into which the grafts are implanted. Once the canals are opened, the grafts are removed from the solution and then implanted into the recipient area. After FUE surgery, patients often notice initial results after around two months. Significant growth is usually visible after six months. Full results typically appear 12–18 months after procedure completion.

Surgeons use a small punch to remove the hair follicles one by one from the scalp. The surgical punches are small and range from 0.7mm to 1mm in circumference. Surgeons harvest hair via FUE and, traditionally, a strip of tissue is removed from the back and side of the scalp and then dissected into follicular units.


Direct hair implantation (DHI) on the other hand, is a slight alteration of the FUE technique created by DHI Global Medical Group. The process isn’t too different from FUE and, like FUE, DHI produces a natural looking result with no noticeable scarring.dhi_hair_transplant

DHI is a modified version of FUE hair implantation and follows a similar procedure. Your surgeon will remove hair follicles from a part of your scalp, usually the back of your head, and implant them into balding areas. These hair follicles will eventually grow new hairs. During the procedure, the surgeon will shave the head and apply a local anaesthesia. The hair follicles will then be extracted from the back of the head using a tool with a fine tip. These hair follicles are then loaded into a pen-shaped tool, which are then implanted into the balding part of your scalp. This technique also allows the surgeon to make the incision and implant the hair at the same time.

Both FUE and DHI surgeries typically take about 8 hours to complete, but this can vary depending on the number of hair follicles being transplanted. It should also be noted that both FUE and DHI avoid creating a large scar unlike the FUT method. Hair transplant surgeries are relatively safe and very rarely have complications. DHI and FUE aren’t invasive procedures as they don’t require the surgeon to cut a large strip of skin.

What Is the Difference Between DHI and FUE?

The initial difference between DHI and FUE is the way grafts are implanted into the recipient area. During an FUE hair transplant, the canals must be opened before implantation, which allows the surgeon to manually implant the extracted grafts. DHI on the other hand, makes use of a tool known as a Choi Implanter Pen. This allows for immediate implantation right after extraction, without the need to first create canals for the grafts. A huge advantage of the implanter is that more grafts can be embedded in the recipient area, thus providing a more dense transplantation. This is especially advantageous for the front hairline.

FUE hair transplant surgery has become quite popular in the last decade. With the FUE method, grafts are extracted directly from the scalp. As a consequence, FUE does not leave visible scarring and a more natural result.

Overall Conclusion

Overall both methods are generally quite similar all things considered. However, it depends on the specific circumstances of the individual looking to have the procedure on which they should choose.  Below are some points to consider for those interested in either hair transplant procedure.

Source: Hairtransplantinfo.net

DHI Main Points

  • DHI is not more advanced, it is just different
  • Performed after hair evaluation tests.
  • Results are the same as with FUE
  • Healing time is the same as traditional FUE
  • Sometimes used as a reason to charge more

FUE Main Points

  • The most traditional method of hair transplanting.
  • High number of experts capable of performing procedure.
  • For some conditions, FUE is the more suitable and will give more density
  • FUE does not leave deep incisions

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