PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a simple, non-surgical procedure where a patient’s own platelet rich plasma, extracted from their own blood is injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth and provide fuller and healthier looking hair. The procedure is suitable for male and female patients and is a very safe and natural procedure.

How does it work?
The procedure has three main stages;
1. Blood collection
2. Separation of the platelets
3. Injection of the PRP to the desired area.

The patients blood is extracted (usually from the arm) and put into a machine called a centrifuge. The machine spins the blood around so it is split into sections. The section that we call PRP contains special cells called platelets, these are then injected into the area where you are suffering from hair loss.

What’s the theory?

Think about it like this, if you were to get a cut on your body, platelets in the blood would rise to the surface in order to promote healing and accelerate the rate of tissue repair and regeneration. This is no different when the platelets are extracted from the patient’s blood and are injected into the scalp to promote hair growth / prevent hair loss. With hair, the platelets work to strengthen and repair the follicle while stimulating stem cells around its microenvironment. The main aim of PRP is to help to repair inactive hair follicles or activate newly planted hair follicles to speed up the recovery process after a hair transplant.

What is the recommended program for PRP?

Any single PRP session will improve the scalp’s ability to facilitate hair, but very much like a healthy food diet, the plasma needs to be topped up overtime to get the best results. We would recommend that initially, you have five sessions; one session every month for four months and then a fifth session six months later to maintain the results. If you are having PRP after a hair transplant we would recommend coming back two weeks post procedure.

Why are more and more people opting for PRP?

In the year 2022 people are becoming more and more concerned with the way they look. Due to the social media boom, many men want the perfect hairline and many women want long, full bodied, beautiful hair – PRP can help on both fronts. There are many hair loss prevention options out there but PRP seems to be more accessible for many, simply because it is more affordable than a hair transplant and it has few side effects when compared to medication such as Finasteride. It is also easier to maintain when compared to topical solutions such as Minoxidil or HRP (Pharma Hermetic Hair Recovery Program) (as it is one session per month rather than applying at home twice on a daily basis.

How do I get PRP?

If PRP is something you are interested in or hair loss advice in general, please fill in our medical questionnaire to set up free consolation with one of our dedicated patient coordinators or PRP technicians. We like to ‘keep it simple’ so all consultations are free, start your hair loss prevention journey today.

Written by Jake Allot

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